
日時:2023年7月13日(木) 16:30-18:00
場所:3号館1階 130室(経済経営学部会議室)
タイトル:Stuck in a Marriage: The Impact of Income Shocks on Divorce and Intra-Household Allocation
(with Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz, Hitoshi Tsujiyama, Midori Wakabayashi)

We exploit a natural-experimental earthquake shock to study the effects of adverse economic conditions on marital dissolution and intra-household reallocation. Using large-scale long-term panel data, we document that couples more affected by the adverse shock are less likely to divorce in both the short and long run. This bundling effect is particularly strong for dual-earner couples with a young child whose wives tend to experience a drop in their earnings due to the disaster, compared to single-earner couples with a young child or couples with no child or a grown-up child. Building on the collective household model with limited commitment, we argue that these results can be theoretically explained by a significant decrease in the value of the outside option (divorce) for women with income loss, implying that they are stuck in the marriage for economic reasons. The model also predicts an intra-household reallocation of resources from wives to husbands within these otherwise divorced families. We then provide novel empirical evidence for this reallocation: husbands make up for the income loss by moving into higher-paying jobs, compensated by longer leisure time, shorter time for home production, and higher private consumption.