
日時:2017年1月26日(木) 16:30-18:00
場所:3号館1階 130室(経営学系会議室)
タイトル:Incomplete preferences and a unique subjective state space

The objective of this study is to relate the two renowned models of uncertainty, namely,
expected multi-utility theory (Dubra et al. 2004) and ordinal expected utility theory
in a unique subjective state space model (Dekel et al. 2001). To this end, we propose
axiomatizations that simultaneously characterize these two preference representations. We
also indicate that the set of utility functions in the former is equivalent to the subjective
state space in the latter, which implies that these two representations describe the identical
underlying behavior. The key axiom is dominance consistency, which requires that the
addition of an alternative to a menu strictly improve the menu evaluation if and only if
the alternative is undominated by the menu. The relationship between the preference over
alternatives and the commitment ranking is also discussed.